
Showing posts from October, 2021

"Reclaiming Comfort - Yet Exquisite Tension " - By: Dilan Hern

       "Reclaiming Comfort - Yet Exquisite Tension "   Poem By:  Dilan Hern ...................................................................................................................                             -----------------                              Aging,                                 B y the second,                                  the minute,                                  the hour at which I lay, recollecting.                                Evaluating such unseen, unique, invisible world,                                   y et I smell filaments of your sweet death,                                 low temp filament desirably heats at command.                                 Can't see you,                                  yet I smell your fume,                                 so sweet,                                  so "deadly".                                                      Undeniable  Remorse,                                  stu

Guided Reflection : Man on Wire - By: Dilan Hern

                                                         Man on Wire Philippe The scene that had me really excited had the be the moment when Philippe got don't the building and shot                the string across to the other building in aim to strap both ends with a secure locking mechanism. Such a scene had me at the edge with suspense because I wasn't sure it would completely fail, so the whole idea of him achieving his goal of strapping both ends really had me astonished by the end. What surprised me the most would be the lack of fear and the urgency they had as they individually completed their tasks as previously discussed.                   ............................................................................................................................................................... .      This section in the movie did motivate me to pursue my own goals, no matter the relevance, since there will always be that one population of people that truly find i

"Recollection of AI Weiwei Heroic Efforts" - By: Dilan Hern

                    Recollection of AI Weiwei's Heroic Efforts           - By Dilan Hern   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     "Ai Weiwei is the most famous Chinese artist living today. As an activist, he calls attention to human rights violations on an epic scale; as an artist, he expands the definition of art to include new forms of social engagement. In a country where free speech is not recognized as a right, the police have beaten him up, kept him under house arrest, bulldozed his newly-built studio and subjected him to surveillance. He is viewed as a threat to harmonious society.----"                          -  (Source of reference at  the bottom)                           I recently saw a documentary movie based on his art exhibit and his impact on depicting imagery from the world in china. Through allowing his activist followers to undwerstand the current conditions china has faced over the years